The Qadiriya Saints

The Qadiriya Order takes its name from one of the greatest Sufi masters of all time, namely the Sultan of Saints, Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (referred to as Piran-e-Pir Dastagir, or the Guide amongst Guides and Succor). It has blossomed across the world, but most notably in South Asia and Africa. Amongst its galaxy of Saints over the past 1000 years, there have been ecstatic mystics and lovers full of compassion and selfless service. The life and works of Baba Bulleh Shah and Mian Mir, for example, are still celebrated with great joy and reverence. One such flowering branch is located in Bundi, India, as described here. The main chain, or Silsila, to which the Saints of Bundi and Sufiana Sufi are affiliated begins with the Prophet Muhammad (may a multitude of blessings be upon him) and continues onto Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (may God perfume his resting place) and his successors. Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani’s shine in Baghdad, Iraq, is seen below. He is the spiritual wellspring of the Qadiriya lineage of Sufis.

The main chain, or Silsila, to which the Saints of Bundi and Sufiana Sufi are affiliated begins with the Prophet Muhammad (upon him be peace) and continues onto Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (may his secret be sanctified) and his successors. 

This chain is provided below: click to read!

The Chain of the Qadiriya

Coverpage credits @  jaddacreative