Essential Spirituality


Hazrat Allama Maulana Chaman Qadri (affectionately called, Babuji or Father) is the inspiration behind Sufiana Sufi.

For more about the Qadriya lineage of Sufis to which Hazratsaheb belonged, read the lineage page. 

Babuji (d. 2012)  was a Sufi mystic par excellence and an experienced Islamic scholar. He encouraged the founders of EssentialSpirituality, Dr. Uday Shinde, Ph.D. (Gulaam Dastagir), and his wife,  Maryam Qadri, to start a spiritual venture based in the United States and India to help individuals find balance in a hurried world, and to transcend our differences. Babuji’s eldest son and successor (Sajjada-Nashin), Pirzada Abdul Shakur Qadri, has likewise given his blessing and consent for this undertaking. 

Babuji came into Gulaam Dastagir’s life when he was 14 years old and initiated him in the Qadriya Order of Sufis in 1999. He was fully authorized to undertake this work (Ijaza) in 2011. Maryam Qadri became his disciple in 2004 when she accepted Islam. She is a sociologist by degree and a Sufi in training. She has worked with Sufis and Islamic scholars across the globe and has authored multiple books on Islamic Sufism for adults and children. 

Together they bring many years of inter-spiritual experience to readers, listeners, and viewers interested in the heart of spirituality, spiritual experience, and humanity’s collective wisdom.


To help humanity live a balanced life that is spiritually centered and abundant. 


Empowering humanity to turn inward and become self-reliant. 



The mission of Essential Spirituality is to help seekers become self-reliant and live a balanced life.  Let your inner Sufi inform all dimensions of life – health, career and money, relationships – what the Vedic tradition calls, Purushartha.

Essential Spirituality (Sufiana Sufi) is the innermost kernel of spirituality, the outermost being religion. As one moves inwards, like moving from the various points of the circumference of a circle along different radii, the differences reduce, ultimately uniting in their innermost center. This is where the perfection in humanity or the Essential Sufi resides.

Center everywhere, boundary nowhere. There is no differentiation between outward forms at this point, be it religious or otherwise. If there is no differentiation, how can there be judgment, let alone discrimination? As Maulana Rumi pointed out, “Come, come, whoever you are, ours is not a caravan of despair!” At Sufiana Sufi, all is one.

The Essential Sufi operates seamlessly in this world with all its responsibilities and distractions while being inwardly centered. “Be in this world and with God,” said Babuji, our Teacher.


To know yourself is the purpose of life. As our knowledge of the Self deepens, our hearts expand, and our love for others becomes more expansive. That is the Cosmic Law or natural order of things (Dharma). Sufis term it the primordial religion (Deen al-Fitra) and Taosits call it the Way.  It is this message that is constantly renewed by avatars, prophets, saints, mystics and spiritual giants who are attuned to the needs of the Hour.

Our times are fraught with confusion, conflict, rank materialism, and a global ecological crisis, which is why this primordial message of unity, interdependence, harmony, and balance is critically important to the survival of our planet.  

Tradition tells us that those who strive to uphold Dharma in these trying times are much more likely to fulfill their destiny and actualize their potential. What is needed to take us forward is the right outlook and tools.

Essential Spirituality is a small effort in this direction through the grace and guidance of our late teacher (Pir), Babuji, and the blessings of the Qadiriya lineage. Our ardent hope is that all viewers enjoy and benefit from the content of this website and its work.


Babuji had a simple methodology for knowing the Self that began with: basic spiritual practices, such as chanting (Wazifa) or Divine Remembrance (Dhikr). Advanced spiritual exercises are given as the seeker’s confidence grows. With sustained spiritual practice, Divine guidance, or intuitive knowledge, becomes the seeker’s unfailing guide.

On this platform, we will discuss all things spiritual, esoteric, and beyond. Expect to see information on spiritual practices, eschatological significations, Vedic astrology, productivity, and more. As far as possible, the work presented here will be well-annotated so that anyone can take it to the next level. Towards this end, we will regularly share rich content, provide direction, and suggest practices. These activities will take the form of research articles, jyotish analysis, live sessions, and a weekly Sufic newsletter (Productive Wisdom) inspired by all things perennial, universal, holistic, productive, and fun!